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Springtime on the Farm


Updated: Aug 1, 2020

At this time of year we are normally telling you you about all the great spring events and places to visit, but this year we, like you, are on "lockdown" so we thought we would show you the best bits of the farm in spring instead.

Turnout time!

We might not have spring lambs gambolling through our fields (although you can see plenty on local walks), but the cattle can't wait to get out in the fields once the sun starts shining. This year, turnout time resembled The Grand National - luckily no visitors around to hear the colourful language! The cows are now enjoying the sunshine and occasional cuddles at the gate.


There's lots of activity down at the pond, although we've not seen the kingfisher yet. The frogs had obviously been busy as there's lots of tadpoles in the weed. We've not seen much activity from any big fish yet, but the tiddlers definitely enjoyed it when we took some bread to feed them. Bob has been enjoying paddling as usual!


Its been a great spring to enjoy some stargazing in the hot tub. With the supermoon, lots of satellites and meteor showers as well as Venus being particularly bright at the moment.

Spring Flowers

This is the time of year when the hedges and verges come back to life, and there is always something new to spot. As well as all the usual wild flowers, you can spot some more unusual ones on your walks, such as white snowdrops, pink primroses and early purple orchids.


There's nothing nicer than sitting in the garden in the sunshine & listening to all the birds singing. The swallows returned just over a week ago, although there don't seem to be as many as usual, but there are plenty more garden birds to spot -my favourites are the little wagtails. The woodpecker can be regularly heard around the farm, and can often be seen on the bird feeders (along with a very persistent squirrel). The pair of Ravens that nest locally usually appear most days, you might well hear them even if you don't spot them; and buzzards are about as common as pigeons here! On our walks around the lanes we will often see the sparrowhawk hunting in the fields.

We've also been busy trying to identify the different bumblebees and butterflies we see. We've seen lots of orange tips around this year, and finally managed to get one to settle long enough to get a photo.

We look forward to being able to welcome you back to the farm next spring so you can experience all the sights and sounds for yourself. In the meantime, we hope you all stay safe & well.


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